We'll solve your crimes when you run out of options and we need a paycheck.

Lester's on the case - Podcast Pilot
Air Date: Fall 2019
Episode #1 reintroduces us to the world's worst detective, Lester Potchki. 19 years after his biggest case, Lester finds himself on the outs with his department store manager. The Big Buys Big Box store doesn't always appreciate Lester's techniques and things finally come to ahead when Lester tries to sniff out a "criminal" in his store. Will Lester live to fight crime another day or is it time he moves on? The future is in his hands, literally.
Written and Directed by Robert A. Palmer and Eric N Horowitz
Editor: Michael A. Weiss
Sound Designer and Sound Mixer: Tom Stamatio
Music: Kevin Macleod (incompatech.com)
Eric N. Horowitz as Lester Potchki
Tim Muller as Stanley Hopper
Brynna Soth as Officer Jill Monroe and Sales Associate
Ben Wong as Ed Manager
Vani Neel as Officer Slant
Robert A. Palmer as Intercom voice
Carlos Ortega Jr. as Flaczki
Rachel Palmer as Sample girl
Nathan Faudree as Nebbish

Nebbish on the move?
Air Date: Fall 2019
Episode #2 picks up with Lester's most trusted assistant I.M. Nebbish having left his old friend for much greener pastures when they were forced to close the Potchki Chronicles Detective Agency all those years ago but not all is what it seems...
What would you do if you had a nice cushy job, fantastic money, and assistant to one of the most powerful CEO's? Would you quit?
Written and Directed by Robert A. Palmer and Eric N. Horowitz
Editor: Michael A. Weiss
Additional Editing: Robert A. Palmer
Sound Designer and Sound Mixer: Tom Stamatio
Music: Kevin Macleod (incompatech.com)
Nathan Faudree - Nebbish
Eric N. Horowitz as Harvey Assitante and Lester Potchki
Tim Muller as Stanley Hopper and Sean LaGune
Brynna Soth as Officer Jill Monroe
Ben Wong as Ed Manager
Vani Neel as Officer Slant
Robert A. Palmer as Intercom voice
Carlos Ortega Jr as Harvey Flaczki

Episode: The case of the missing turkey leg...
November 26, 2019
Episode: The case of the missing turkey leg... Thanksgiving is the time of year to think and appreciate family. Have you ever wondered about Lesters past and his family. Nope neither have we. In this Thanksgiving special case we learn a little bit about his past and even more about his family history and where they came from.
Written and Directed by Robert A. Palmer and Eric N. Horowitz
Editor: Michael A. Weiss
Additional Editing: Robert A. Palmer
Music: Kevin Macleod (incompatech.com)
Eric N. Horowitz as Lester Potchki
Nathan Faudree as Nebbish
Ben Wong as Ni Hao
Vani Neel as Officer Slant

Episode: Twas 2 nights before Christmas (Poem)
Poem only and Extended Versions available
December 23, 2019
Twas 2 nights before Christmas sees the return of one of Santa's lesser known relatives who returns to gift the Potchki Universe and wreak havoc on everyone.
Written and Directed by Robert A. Palmer and Eric N. Horowitz
Editor: Michael A. Weiss
Additional Editing: Robert A. Palmer
Music: Kevin Macleod (incompatech.com)
Eric N. Horowitz as Lester Potchki, Kona and Harvey
Nathan Faudree as Nebbish and Milly
Ben Wong as Sensei San and Ed Manager
Vani Neel as Officer Slant and Sam
Stephanie Watson as Sally
Tim Muller as Sean
Hannah Alyea as Agnes and Officer Munroe
Carlos Ortega Jr as - Flazcki

The Case of the Bingo Balls
January 09, 2020
After years away, Potchki has finally reopened the Potchki Chronicles Detective Agency from its long hiatus. Nebbish, Potchki’s longtime friend and assistant make his triumphant return to the world of crime-stopping and friendship. Things pick up exactly where they left off 19 years ago. Their first case back together will send them bouncing down the rabbit hole like a bingo balls.
Written and Directed by Robert A. Palmer and Eric N. Horowitz
Editor: Michael A. Weiss
Additional Editing: Robert A. Palmer
Music: Kevin Macleod (incompatech.com)
Lester Potchki and Bingo Caller is played by Eric N Horowitz
Nebbish and Milly is played by Nathan Faudree
Sensei San and Ni Hao is played by Ben Wong
Officer Slant is played by Vani Neel
Sean and Edith is played is played by Tim Muller
Edna is Played Stephanie Watson
Flaczki is played by Carlos Ortega Jr.
Officer Slant is played by Hannah Aylea
Fred Dryer as Hunter (don’t sue us)

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day
February 06, 2020
Evil, never sleeps… In fact, it eats a healthy breakfast and plots the demise of its nemesis before noon. Flaczki and company have put their dastardly plans into action. The scheming never stops for them. Sean, Flaczki's right and left-hand man has a few bones to pick but he has to find the right time to pick them. Meanwhile, Potchki and Nebbish are busy getting the office updated to 2020 standards while clearing out a few cold cases in the process. Nebbish also hires a new employee to help on the tech side and Potchki still has a few secrets up his pant leg.
Written and Directed by Robert A. Palmer and Eric N. Horowitz
Editor & Sound Mixing: Michael A. Weiss
Additional Editing: Robert A. Palmer
Music: Kevin Macleod (incompatech.com)
Special Thanks: The Lovejoys
Lester Potchki Eric N Horowitz
Nebbish as Nathan Faudree
Ni Hao is played by Ben Wong
Officer Slant and Sam is played by Vani Neel
Sean is played is played by Tim Muller
Flaczki is played by Carlos Ortega Jr.
Officer Slant is played by Hannah Alyea

A Brief History of Flaczki
March 05, 2020
Finds our hero’s getting their offices fully operationa lfor the long fight ahead. With Sam the new IT/tech person in now the mix at Potchki Chronicles Detective Agency and so with one new hire its only natural for Potchki to hire a new Secretary, the firstone since Shannon double crossed them in 2000. As for Flaczki, we learn more about his mischievous ways and how his past with Potchki, affects his present and certainly their future. Not all childhood Friends last a lifetime or even a lunchtime
Written and Directed by Robert A. Palmer and Eric N. Horowitz
Editor & Sound Mixing: Michael A. Weiss
Additional Editing: Robert A. Palmer
Music: Kevin Macleod (incompatech.com)
Lester Potchki and Kona Frokost is played by Eric N Horowitz
Nebbish is played by Nathan Faudree
Ni Hao is played by Ben Wong
Officer Slant and Sam is played by Vani Neel
Sean and Mildred is played is played by Tim Muller
Flaczki is played by Carlos Ortega Jr.
Agnes and Officer Munroe is played by Hannah Alyea
Sally is played by Stephanie Watson
School Announcer is played by Robert A. Palmer

To Fast Too Furry
April 03, 2020
Do you love your team Mascots? What do you like about them? The fact they are funny and silly? They make us laugh with there Google eyes and squeakers or horns? Everyone enjoys mascot from sports to parks to store openings. But do the bad guys like Mascots? Tune in to find out.
Written and Directed by Robert A. Palmer and Eric N. Horowitz
Editor & Sound Mixing: Michael A. Weiss
Additional Editing: Robert A. Palmer
Music: Kevin Macleod (incompatech.com)
Lester Potchki is played by Eric N Horowitz
Nebbish & Captain Captain is played by Nathan Faudree
Ni Hao and Niles Standish is played by Ben Wong
Officer Slant and Sam is played by Vani Neel
Flaczki is played by Carlos Ortega Jr.
Agnes and Officer Munroe is played by Hannah Alyea
Sean and S. Hopper is played by Tim Muller
Sally and Patty Partisan is played Stephanie Watson
Ice Cream Man and Vinny is played by Ryan Mounfield
Goons - Robert A. Palmer and Eric N Horowitz
Chinny is played By Himself

The Mattress Mafia Strikes again
April 21, 2020
...Is our biggest sleepwalking adventure ever and it doesn’t disappoint or maybe it does. Potchki doesn’t sleep with the fishes but he does get caught up in trying to save a woman from being "put to sleep" by the secretive mattress mafia. What secrets do the mattresses hold? And who is keeping the biggest secret of all? Tune in and find out..
Written and Directed by Robert A. Palmer and Eric N. Horowitz
Editor & Sound Mixing: Michael A. Weiss
Additional Editing: Robert A. Palmer
Music: Kevin Macleod (incompatech.com)
Lester Potchki and Harvey is played by Eric N Horowitz
Nebbish is played by Nathan Faudree
Male Voice and Male Caller is played by Ben Wong
Officer Slant, Female Voice and Sam is played by Vani Neel
Flaczki is played by Carlos Ortega Jr.
Agnes, Annoyed Woman, Sales Clerk and Officer Munroe is played by Hannah Alyea
Sean and S. Hopper is played by Tim Muller
Mysterious Woman, Nurse and Sitting Annoyed Woman is played Stephanie Watson
Doctor Nonzenze is played by Ryan Mounfield
Tim Couch is played by Rory Zacher
Testimonial Voice - Rachel P. Palmer

Cafe de Merde De Singe
May 13, 2020
A friend can be any stranger you walk by or bump into when you get your morning cup of coffee. You can just smile and say hi or lend a helping hand. Maybe you start a conversation with this other person and find you have similar interests or jobs. Did you just find your other best friend? All the while buying the best cup of coffee in the tri-state area, at a significantly lesser price, in pesos.
So grab a cup of coffee or tea go sit down put your feet up pet your cat and enjoy this week's case. This week's episode is called Cafe de Merde de Singe.
Written and Directed by Robert A. Palmer and Eric N. Horowitz
Editor & Sound Mixing: Michael A. Weiss
Additional Editing: Robert A. Palmer
Music: Kevin Macleod (incompatech.com)
Lester Potchki is played by Eric N Horowitz
Nebbish is played by Nathan Faudree
Ni Hao, Sen Sei and Niles Standish is played by Ben Wong
Officer Slant and Sam is played by Vani Neel
Flaczki is played by Carlos Ortega Jr.
Agnes and Officer Munroe is played by Hannah Alyea
Sean is played by Tim Muller
Kat Pacino is played Stephanie Watson
Barista is played by Ryan Mounfield

The Case of the Lady who baked
June 16, 2020
It’s Sensei San’s 80th birthday. Please come and celebrate if you may... We hope you stay with us by the bay...Its Sensei’s day of play... Hooray!
... Bathing suits optional.
Written and Directed by Robert A. Palmer and Eric N. Horowitz
Editor & Sound Mixing: Michael A. Weiss
Additional Editing: Robert A. Palmer
Music: Kevin Macleod (incompatech.com)
Lester Potchki and Harvey is played by Eric N Horowitz
Nebbish is played by Nathan Faudree
Ni Hao, Sen Sei and Sha-Lom is played by Ben Wong
Officer Slant and Sam is played by Vani Neel
Flaczki is played by Carlos Ortega Jr.
Kanojo, Agnes and Dancer is played by Hannah Alyea
Sean is played by Tim Muller
Sally, Female Salesperson and Patty Partisan is played Stephanie Watson
Bonsai Salesman and Yan Slinger is played by Ryan Mounfield
Tim Couch and Gunman #1 - Rory Zacher
Gunman #2 - Robert A. Palmer
Police Dispatch - Rob's Computer

The Potchki Chronicles Zombie Detective Agency - Zombified
October 23, 2020
This was recorded live along with the sound effects for a special "special" presentation.
Love, Chinese food, and a party = Zombies. What does this have to do with this show? All of it. We find the Potchki Detective Agency getting ready for the office Halloween party where every character shows up for the festivities. Even Harvey.
Written and Directed by Robert A. Palmer and Eric N. Horowitz
Editor & Sound Mixing: Robert A. Palmer
Additional Editing: Robert A. Palmer
Music: Youtube
Lester Potchki and Harvey is played by Eric N Horowitz
Nebbish is played by Nathan Faudree
Ni Hao, Sen Sei and Niles is played by Ben Wong
Officer Slant and Sam is played by Vani Neel
Flaczki is played by Carlos Ortega Jr.
Agnes and Officer Munroe is played by Hannah Alyea
Sean is played by Tim Muller
Sally and Kat Pacino is played Stephanie Watson
Tim Couch - Rory Zacher

CASE #10
The Evil Case of Death by Mystery
April 01, 2021
In Case #10 - Potchki is left to his own devices... Literally. Nebbish is injured and now Potchki must solve their newest case with the help of a few new partner candidates. Who will get the job? And hear how they get the job done.
This is a case for the Motivators!
Written and Directed by Robert A. Palmer and Eric N. Horowitz
Editor & Sound Mixing: Marble Porter
Additional Editing: Robert A. Palmer
Music: Kevin Macleod @ Incompatech.com
Lester Potchki and Harvey is played by Eric N Horowitz
Nebbish is played by Nathan Faudree
Ni Hao, Security Guard and Elevator Intercom is played by Ben Wong
Lady Envelope is played by Madelyne Smith
Waitress & Sam is played by Vani Neel
Flaczki and Cliff is played by Carlos Ortega Jr.
Mistress is played by Hannah Alyea
Delivery Driver and Edmund is played by Tim Muller
Nurse, Female Voice and Augusta Wind is played Stephanie Watson
Intercom - Robert Palmer
Adam Faraday is played by Marcus Cannello (Special Voice Appearance)
Jan is played by Jean Claude Van Damme (yes he sorta did it)

Where are you Potchki and Nebbish? A True Crime Podcast Season 1 Finale Special
April 22, 2021
Potchki and Nebbish have gone missing and the venerable true crime Podcaster Adam Faraday of "Faradays Histories and Mysteries" is on the case. He will try to find out why these two gutsy gumshoes vanished. Adam gets up close and personal with many of Potchki's friends and foes along with a few unsatisfied customers who each spin their tale about this crime-fighting duo's disappearance.
What do you think happened?
Written and Directed by Robert A. Palmer and Eric N. Horowitz
Editor & Sound Mixing: Marble Porter
Additional Editing: Robert A. Palmer
Music: Kevin Macleod @ Incompatech.com
Adam Faraday is Played by Marcus Cannello
Harvey, Bubba, Kona, Bingo Caller & Lester Potchki is played by Eric N Horowitz
Nebbish And Milly is played by Nathan Faudree
Ni Hao, Ed Manager, Sen Sei and Angry Guard is played by Ben Wong
Officer Slant and Sam is played by Vani Neel
Flaczki is played by Carlos Ortega Jr.
Gwen, Agnes and Officer Munroe is played by Hannah Alyea
Edmund, Stanley S. Hopper and Sean is played by Tim Muller
Sally is played Stephanie Watson
Tim Couch and Disclaimer voice is Played by Rory Zacher
Robert Palmer is Played by William Palmer
Mayor Karl Toffel is Played by Alec Palmer
First Lady Toffell is Played by Bronia Palmer

Season 2 Premiere
April 14, 2022
Potchki and Nebbish return from Hel...sinki Finland as International heroes to the dismay of Flaczki's elaborate if not convoluted plan to get rid of them overseas. But upon their return, the team receives a surprise they never could’ve imagined… And the P.C.D.A. will never be the same and neither will the Potchkisberg’s secretarial pool.

Release Date: August 4, 2022
The crew of the Potchki Chronicles Detective Agency isn't immune to crime against them. The crew tries to unravel who stole Potchki's change at a valet and why can't Potchki go to the bathroom. Meanwhile, Flaczki is hatching his next plan to set up the Bakers Dozen.

Christmas Special
Release Date: December 23, 2022
Hear Harvey Flaczki nephew of the infamous Crime lord of the Tristate area croon you with some holiday classics.
Songs like... Jingle Bells, O Xmas Tree, We wish you a Merry Xmas, Rudolph, the Dreidel songs and possibly a few more but the sound engineer stopped listening.Â
Happy Holidays From the Potchki Audio Chronicles.Â
- Album Unavailable in all 195 countries and their territories -
*Uranus deal pendingÂ
About Body

Part 1 of 2
Release Date: December 20, 2022
After a tragic accident at a wrestling event, Local crime lord Harvey Flaczki is hospitalized after an industrial air conditioner falls on him at the arena. Was it an Accident or was it foul play? While in a coma, Harvey's dad GP Flaczki makes his move to take over the entire Tri-state area's nefarious operations ... Starting with, fixing the upcoming Borcht Belt prelim wrestling Event. As Potchki and Company must go undercover to investigate the shady goings on at the JWL on the request of famed Wrestler "Bruiser" Bupkis concerns.
Commercials Produced by Jason Yerex

Part 2 of 2
Release Date: Feb 2, 2023
With the stakes never higher than Potchki eating an edible. Potchki, the wrestlers, and the crime lords are all set for a massive showdown. Who will win? Does it matter? Are you listening? Who is behind all this chaos and carnage? Where can Potchki and Nebbish get a good schvitz in?Â
Tune in and find out what happens in this epic conclusion to Part 1Â
Almost all commerials written and produced by Jason Yerex